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bind(Either<? extends E, ? extends A>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.raise.Raise


combine(Either<L, R>, BiFunction<? super R, ? super R, ? extends R>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Combines two Either instances using the given combiner function if both are Right.


either(Function<Raise<? super E>, ? extends A>) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Converts a computation that might raise an exception of type `E` into an `Either` value.
Either<L,R> - Interface in info.jab.util.either
A generic sealed interface representing a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union).
equals(Object) - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
exception() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
Returns the value of the exception record component.


failure(Throwable) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Creates a failed Result with the given exception.
Failure<T> - Record Class in info.jab.util.result
Record representing a failed Result in the Result.
Failure(Throwable) - Constructor for record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
Creates an instance of a Failure record class.
flatMap(Function<? super R, ? extends Either<L, U>>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Transforms the value in Right using the given function that returns another Either, if this is a Right.
flatMap(Function<? super T, Result<U>>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
flatMap(Function<? super T, Result<U>>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Applies the given function to the value if the Result is successful and returns a new Result.
flatMap(Function<? super T, Result<U>>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
fold(Function<? super L, ? extends T>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Applies either the leftMapper function to the value if this is a Left, or the rightMapper function if this is a Right.
fold(Function<? super L, ? extends T>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
fold(Function<? super L, ? extends T>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
fold(Function<Raise<? super E>, ? extends A>, Function<Throwable, B>, Function<? super E, ? extends B>, Function<A, B>) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.raise.Raise
fold(U, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
fold(U, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Reduces the Result to a single value by applying a function to the successful value or a default value if the result is a failure.
fold(U, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
foldOrThrow(Function<Raise<? super E>, ? extends A>, Function<? super E, ? extends B>, Function<A, B>) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.raise.Raise


get() - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Returns the value if this is a Right, otherwise throws an exception.
get() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
get() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
get() - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result.CheckedSupplier
Gets a result, potentially throwing an exception.
getCause() - Method in exception class info.jab.util.raise.Traced
Returns the cause of this exception, or null if there is no cause.
getException() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
getException() - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Returns the exception if present, otherwise returns an empty Optional.
getException() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
getOrElse(Supplier<? extends R>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Returns the Right value if this is a Right, otherwise returns the result of the given Supplier.
getOrElse(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
getOrElse(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Returns the value if the Result is successful, otherwise returns the result of the specified Supplier.
getOrElse(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
getRaise() - Method in exception class info.jab.util.raise.RaiseCancellationException
Returns the Raise instance associated with this exception.
getRaised() - Method in exception class info.jab.util.raise.RaiseCancellationException
Returns the object that was raised during the cancellation.
getValue() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
getValue() - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Returns the value if present, otherwise returns an empty Optional.
getValue() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success


hashCode() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
Returns a hash code value for this object.


ifFailure(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
ifFailure(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Performs the given action if the Result is a failure.
ifFailure(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
ifSuccess(Consumer<T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
ifSuccess(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Performs the given action if the Result is successful.
ifSuccess(Consumer<T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
info.jab.util - module info.jab.util
This module defines utilities for functional programming.
info.jab.util.either - package info.jab.util.either
info.jab.util.raise - package info.jab.util.raise
info.jab.util.result - package info.jab.util.result
isFailure() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
isFailure() - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Checks if the Result is a failure.
isFailure() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
isLeft() - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Checks if this is an instance of Left.
isLeft() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
isLeft() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
isRight() - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Checks if this is an instance of Right.
isRight() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
isRight() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
isSuccess() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
isSuccess() - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Checks if the Result is successful.
isSuccess() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success


left(L) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Creates an instance of Left.
Left<L,R> - Record Class in info.jab.util.either
A record representing the Left variant of an Either.
Left(L) - Constructor for record class info.jab.util.either.Left
Constructs a new Left with the given value.


map(Function<? super R, ? extends U>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Transforms the value in Right using the given function if this is a Right, otherwise returns the current Left.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Applies the given function to the value if the Result is successful and returns a new Result.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success


NoTrace - Exception Class in info.jab.util.raise
This class represents a non-traced RaiseCancellationException, which does not have nested causes.
NoTrace(Object, Raise<?>) - Constructor for exception class info.jab.util.raise.NoTrace
Constructs a new NoTrace exception with the specified raised object and raise instance.


orElse(Supplier<? extends Either<L, R>>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Returns this Either if it is a Right, otherwise returns the result of the given Supplier.


raise(E) - Method in interface info.jab.util.raise.Raise
raise method
Raise<E> - Interface in info.jab.util.raise
Port from arrow-kt Raise Raise
RaiseCancellationException - Exception Class in info.jab.util.raise
This class represents a specific type of CancellationException that occurs when a raise operation is canceled.
RaiseCancellationException(Object, Raise<?>) - Constructor for exception class info.jab.util.raise.RaiseCancellationException
Constructs a new RaiseCancellationException with the specified raised object and raise instance.
RaiseCancellationExceptionCaptured - Static variable in exception class info.jab.util.raise.RaiseCancellationException
A constant message used to indicate that a RaiseCancellationException has been captured.
recover(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
recover(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Applies the given function to the exception if the Result is a failure and returns a new Result with the mapped value.
recover(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
recoverCatching(Function<? super Throwable, Result<T>>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
recoverCatching(Function<? super Throwable, Result<T>>) - Method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Applies the given function to the exception if the Result is a failure and returns a new Result.
recoverCatching(Function<? super Throwable, Result<T>>) - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
Result<T> - Interface in info.jab.util.result
A sealed interface representing a computation that may either result in a value (success) or an exception (failure).
Result.CheckedSupplier<T> - Interface in info.jab.util.result
A functional interface representing a supplier that may throw an exception.
right(R) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Creates an instance of Right.
Right<L,R> - Record Class in info.jab.util.either
A record representing the Right variant of an Either.
Right(R) - Constructor for record class info.jab.util.either.Right
Constructs a new Right with the given value.
runCatching(Result.CheckedSupplier<T>) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Executes the given supplier and returns a Result.


success(T) - Static method in interface info.jab.util.result.Result
Creates a successful Result with the given value.
Success<T> - Record Class in info.jab.util.result
Record representing a successful Result in the Result.
Success(T) - Constructor for record class info.jab.util.result.Success
Creates an instance of a Success record class.
swap() - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Swaps the Left and Right types.


toOptional() - Method in interface info.jab.util.either.Either
Converts this Either to an Optional.
toString() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Failure
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
Returns a string representation of this record class.
Traced - Exception Class in info.jab.util.raise
This class represents a traced RaiseCancellationException, allowing for nested causes.
Traced(Object, Raise<?>, Traced) - Constructor for exception class info.jab.util.raise.Traced
Constructs a new Traced exception with the specified raised object, raise instance, and cause.


value() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Left
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class info.jab.util.either.Right
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class info.jab.util.result.Success
Returns the value of the value record component.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form