Table postgres.public.payment Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
payment_id serial 10  √  nextval('payment_payment_id_seq'::regclass)
payment_p2007_01.payment_id Implied Constraint R
payment_p2007_02.payment_id Implied Constraint R
payment_p2007_03.payment_id Implied Constraint R
payment_p2007_04.payment_id Implied Constraint R
payment_p2007_05.payment_id Implied Constraint R
payment_p2007_06.payment_id Implied Constraint R
customer_id int2 5
customer.customer_id payment_customer_id_fkey R
staff_id int2 5
staff.staff_id payment_staff_id_fkey R
rental_id int4 10
rental.rental_id payment_rental_id_fkey N
amount numeric 5,2
payment_date timestamp 29,6

Table contained 16,049 rows at Mon Feb 20 18:07 CET 2023

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
payment_id Primary key Asc payment_pkey
customer_id Performance Asc idx_fk_customer_id
staff_id Performance Asc idx_fk_staff_id

Close relationships  within of separation: