Detecting concurrency issues with JCStress
Juan Antonio Breña Moral

"Testing shows the presence of bugs, not their absence"

- Edsger W. Dijkstra

"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort."

- John Ruskin

"At the heart of any reasonable definition of thread safety is the concept of correctness. Correctness means that a class conforms to its specification."

- Brian Goetz, Java Concurrency in Practice, 2006


  1. Who I am
  2. Expectations
  3. Preamble
  4. Root causes
  5. Tooling: JCStress
  6. Takeaways
  7. References
  8. Q&A

Who I am

Juan Antonio Breña Moral

Engineering in Industrial Organization (M.S.) @ ICAI
Head of Developer Relations @ Amadeus for developers
Associate Professor @ ICAI
STEAM Teacher @ Space Math
@juanantoniobm | Github


  • Generate awareness about potential concurrency issues in your projects.
  • Review root causes of concurrency issues.
  • Learn when to use JCStress in your projects.


Imagine development with some business requirements:

Feature: Sum 2 numbers

  Scenario: Sum 2 positive numbers
	  Given the POST endpoint /api/v1/sum2numbers
	  When the client sends a request
	  Then the response includes the sum of the 2 parameters


The code has a good Unit Test:


The code has a good Test Coverage:


The code has a good Mutation Coverage:


  • The code has a good Score in Sonar.
  • The code doesn´t have any Memory leak.
  • The code has a good Throughput.
  • The code has a good Pipeline Support.


But..., one day we received an email from a User about unexpected results...


Developer: "Weird, everything is fine on my side..."


Developer: "...and using the data provided by the User, the new test doesn´t reproduce the issue in my local dev environment."


Developer: "...maybe, I didn´t read the JLS (Java Language Specification), section 17.4. about Concurrency and the JSR-133 Java Memory Model and Thread Specification"


Developer: "...but now, we are already in Production..."


Java is a multithreading & multiprocessing programming language and Shared Memory is the Inter-Process Communication (IPC) technique for Threads.

And every Java developer needs to know it.

Root causes

Non0-funcional requirements

Do you properly define the non-functional requirements for your projects?

Root causes

Non-funcional requirements

ISO 25010

ISO 25010, titled “System and software quality models”, is a software quality standard.


Root causes

Concurrency models


Not all programming languages followed the same design criterias to tackle the concurrency.

Root causes

Concurrency models

How concurrency evolves in Java:

Java version Key features Release data
Java 1.0 Java OS Threads 23/01/1996
Java 1.5 JSR 133, java.util.concurrent.* 30/09/2004
Java 1.7 Fork/join framework 07/07/2011
Java 1.8 CompletableFuture 18/03/2014
Java 19 Virtual Threads, Structured Concurrency 20/09/2022

** Records (Java 14)

Root causes

Design patterns that impact you

CDI, Contexts and Dependency Injection allows the developer to manage the lifecycle of stateful components.

Root causes

Design patterns that impact you

Functional programming

public class EulerProblem20 {
    Function factorial = limit -> IntStream.iterate(limit.intValue(), i -> i - 1)
            .reduce((n1, n2) -> n1.multiply(n2)).get();
    Function sumDigits = value -> value.toString().chars()
            .mapToObj(c -> String.valueOf((char) c))
            .reduce(0L, Long::sum);
    public Long solution(Long limit) {
        return factorial

Root causes

Design patterns that impact you

Functional programming

public class EulerProblem01 {

    private final int THREE = 3;
    private final int FIVE = 5;
    BiPredicate< Integer, Integer > isMultiple = (l, i) -> l % i == 0;
    Predicate< Integer > isMultiple3 = number -> isMultiple.test(number, THREE);
    Predicate< Integer > isMultiple5 = number -> isMultiple.test(number, FIVE);

    public Integer solution(Integer limit) {
        return IntStream.range(1, limit).boxed()
                .reduce(0, Integer::sum);

Root causes

Design patterns that impacts you

Java records are classes that act as transparent carriers for immutable data.

public record Person (String name, String address) {}

Root causes

Modern hardware


Tooling: JCStress

  • Introduction
  • A JCStress tour
  • Do plugins exist?
  • Who is using JCStress?
  • Limitations
  • The next step

Tooling: JCStress


The Java Concurrency Stress (jcstress) is an experimental harness and a suite of tests to aid the research in the correctness of concurrency support in the JVM, class libraries, and hardware.


Tooling: JCStress

A JCStress tour

@Outcome(id = "1, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE_INTERESTING, desc = "Both actors came up with the same value: atomicity failure.")
@Outcome(id = "1, 2", expect = ACCEPTABLE, desc = "actor1 incremented, then actor2.")
@Outcome(id = "2, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE, desc = "actor2 incremented, then actor1.")
public class API_01_Simple {

    int v;

    public void actor1(II_Result r) {
        r.r1 = ++v; // record result from actor1 to field r1
    public void actor2(II_Result r) {
        r.r2 = ++v; // record result from actor2 to field r2

Tooling: JCStress

A JCStress tour

@Outcome(id = "1", expect = ACCEPTABLE_INTERESTING, desc = "One update lost: atomicity failure.")
@Outcome(id = "2", expect = ACCEPTABLE,             desc = "Actors updated independently.")
public class API_02_Arbiters {
    int v;
    public void actor1() {
    public void actor2() {
    public void arbiter(I_Result r) {
        r.r1 = v;

Tooling: JCStress

A JCStress tour

public class API_04_Nesting {
	@Outcome(id = "1, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE_INTERESTING, desc = "Both actors came up with the same value: atomicity failure.")
	@Outcome(id = "1, 2", expect = ACCEPTABLE,             desc = "actor1 incremented, then actor2.")
	@Outcome(id = "2, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE,             desc = "actor2 incremented, then actor1.")
	public static class PlainTest {
		int v;
		public void actor1(II_Result r) {
			r.r1 = ++v;
		public void actor2(II_Result r) {
			r.r2 = ++v;
	//Another test

Tooling: JCStress

A JCStress tour

@Outcome(id = "1, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE_INTERESTING, desc = "Both actors came up with the same value: atomicity failure.")
@Outcome(id = "1, 2", expect = ACCEPTABLE,             desc = "actor1 incremented, then actor2.")
@Outcome(id = "2, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE,             desc = "actor2 incremented, then actor1.")
public class API_05_SharedMetadata {
	public static class PlainTest {
		int v;
		public void actor1(II_Result r) { r.r1 = ++v; }
		public void actor2(II_Result r) { r.r2 = ++v; }
	//Another test

Tooling: JCStress

A JCStress tour

@Description("Sample Hello World test")
@Outcome(id = "1, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE_INTERESTING, desc = "Both actors came up with the same value: atomicity failure.")
@Outcome(id = "1, 2", expect = ACCEPTABLE,             desc = "actor1 incremented, then actor2.")
@Outcome(id = "2, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE,             desc = "actor2 incremented, then actor1.")
public class API_06_Descriptions {
    int v;

    public void actor1(II_Result r) {
        r.r1 = ++v;
    public void actor2(II_Result r) {
        r.r2 = ++v;

Tooling: JCStress

A JCStress tour

As you see, tests using actors or arbiters require the use of results objets, which accept different primitives:

  • I: int
  • Z: boolean
  • F: float
  • J: long
  • S: short
  • B: byte
  • C: char
  • D: double
  • L: object


Tooling: JCStress

A JCStress tour

How to run the examples?

./gradlew clean jcstress --tests "API_01_Simple"
./gradlew clean jcstress --tests "API_02_Arbiters"
./gradlew clean jcstress --tests "API_04_Nesting"
./gradlew clean jcstress --tests "API_05_SharedMetadata"
./gradlew clean jcstress --tests "API_06_Descriptions"



Tooling: JCStress

Do plugins exist?

There is a plugin for Gradle, but not for Maven.

plugins {
    id 'io.github.reyerizo.gradle.jcstress' version '0.8.13'
ext {
    jcstressVersion = '0.15'
jcstress {
    jcstressDependency "org.openjdk.jcstress:jcstress-core:${jcstressVersion}"
    verbose = true
    timeMillis = "200"
    spinStyle = "THREAD_YIELD"

Tooling: JCStress

Do plugins exist?

But using Maven, you could run your JCstress tests:


Tooling: JCStress

Do plugins exist?

But using Maven, you could run your JCstress tests:


Tooling: JCStress

Who is using JCStress?

Tooling: JCStress

Who is using JCStress?

Tooling: JCStress

Who is using JCStress?

Tooling: JCStress

Who is using JCStress?

In what stage is JCStress?

Tooling: JCStress


  • Lack of a Maven plugin
  • Plugins should be hosted in the main repository
  • A very low level solution
  • Solution is not integrated with JUnit
  • What happens if your class has IO?
  • It is applicable to all cases

Tooling: JCStress


  • If your class has a complex hierarchy, structured in a complex way or involves IO, JCStress will not help:

In that case, you will have to test without this tool. 🤷‍♂️

Tooling: JCStress

The next step

Set up a session with your Dev team to review the samples from JCStress repository:


  • JCStress is not a silver bullet.
  • Minimize the number of beans in your projects.
  • Maximize immutability in your projects.
  • Understand all concurrent features provided by the JVM.
  • Invest time in refactoring; some concurrency scenarios could be implemented with another approach.
  • Run recurrent training about concurrency for your development teams, if necessary.

Many thanks
